I can't believe it's already pday again! Everyone says that after the first two weeks time starts flying, so I'm looking forward to that! I still have so much to learn before I head out though. Mom, I'm sorry if you almost had a heart attack when the MTC clinic called you yesterday. Hahaha good news is my retainer is all fixed and they did it for free! #tendermerciesallaround I'm just glad it broke while I was here and not in Argentina. And to be honest, it was nice to get out of the MTC bubble for a little while cuz it was a nice reminder that we won't be here for our whole lives. :) Even though I love it and the people so much, sitting in a classroom for 7-10 hours a day gets old pretty fast!
I have learned so much in the past two weeks. About myself, the gospel, Spanish, and my Savior. The thing about the mission is that it really forces you to rely on the Savior. Although I don't like word "forces" because it truly is a joy. It is so humbling and yet so empowering. I thought I relied on Him before I came here, but my eyes have just begun to see just how powerful He truly is. There is no way I should be able to do the things that I'm doing, and I know it is because of Him. He is truly looking out for me. Every time I start to get a little down, or overwhelmed, or homesick, I receive some kind of reassurance and I receive strength to keep on keepin on. We've had a lot of great speakers come to the devotionals and every time it feels like they're speaking just to me. And I guess the spirit is speaking just to me, because what I hear is not always something the speaker said. Sheri Dew spoke to us on Sunday about the grace of God and how much the truly encompasses. It has given me so much hope and so much strength that my Savior, through His Atonement, really can do anything and everything. He can help us with our feelings of inadequacy, He can help me learn Spanish, and He can help me feel whole even when a huge part of me (my family) is missing. I can feel your love and your prayers with me at all times, and honestly I've never felt closer to you all than I do right now. It is a wonderful feeling, and I feel so blessed to know that I get to be with you guys FOREVER! Y'all are stuck with me!!! #sorrynotsorry. :) We went to the temple this morning and it was wonderful just to be reminded of the simple truth that families can be together forever.
Also, my favorite part of PME is the Christlike attributes, specifically HOPE. I don't know why, but I especially love that one. And really, all of them are connected. When we become better in one area, we improve in all other areas as well. I love where it says that hope is manifest in "confidence, optimism, enthusiasm, and patient perseverance." I don't know if that's the exact quote, but that's the jist of it. I especially love the last part. Patient perseverance. Sometimes it's hard not to feel like I'll be in the CCM my whole life (I really do love it, I promise!:), and sometimes it's hard to believe that I'll ever learn to speak Spanish fluently. I just have to remember to be patient with myself, and put in my share of the work. It truly is possible to be happy no matter what our circumstances are, and that we can do good no matter where we are. I keep jumping ahead and thinking, "I can't wait until I'm out of the CCM!" Or, "I can't wait until I can speak Spanish fluently!" but I keep reminding myself that I need to enjoy each and every moment of this journey. There are people who need us exactly as we are in those moments, even though sometimes I feel like I could never make a difference. I don't know if that makes sense, but there ya go. :) I love all of you so much! Thank you so much for the letters and the emails, but most of all for you love and support! I have the best family ever!!! :) Have the most wonderful week! Just try to not have too much fun without me ;)
Con amor, Hermana Robinson
We met our mission presidents on Sunday! They will get to Argentina two weeks before us. They're here learning english right now, so we had a good time talking in Spanglish. They are the cutest people ever! I have a feeling they'll take good care of us. I asked Sister Zanni how many children she has (in spanish, btw) and she said "Seven, but in July we will have 250!" I already love them :)
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